"Limbs" is a paper puzzle genre I made. Below you'll find the rules and puzzles of this genre.
Click here for the Japanese translation of rules
Draw lines along the edges of cells to divide the grid into separate 3-handed 1-headed creatures.
Each creature is defined as a shape of 4 connected limbs. Each limb is 1 cell wide, can be of any cell length (but more than 0) and can take a turn at any point.
Each limb must have a separate end. One limb must end with a head (always clued) and other 3 limbs end up with hands (whenever clued, their directions matter).
Cells within a single creature can never form a loop - in other words, the creature must never contain a 2x2 region or touch itself.
Limbs were also ported to Pedro's Kudamono Editor, which includes a bonus puzzle not available on this site. With Kudamono Editor, you can also easily make your own Limbs puzzles with automatic solution check.
Solve online with Kudamono Editor
These puzzles use rules by both Limbs and Fillomino.
Draw lines along the edges of cells to divide the grid into regions, so that no two regions with the same area share an edge.
Inside some cells are numbers; each number must represent the area of the region it belongs to. A region may contain zero, one, or more of the given numbers.
A creature of Limbs is the same as a region of Fillomino.
Solve online with Kudamono Editor